About us
As long as Lebanon has been a town, we at First Parish have been holding forth the light of Christ. We are a spiritual home for those seeking to live out their faith in Jesus. We are a multi-generational church, learning from each others wisdom. We are a team of people putting our faith into action by serving the community with the love of God.
We ask for your prayers as Pastor Bob Andrews, his wife Pam, and the Church are led by the Holy Spirit both in worship and in service to the Lord. We meet Sunday Mornings at 9:30, Children’s Church 9:45. Our church is located in Lebanon Maine on the corner of Jim Grant and Center Roads. Please join us and “Let the Spirit lead you”.
Food Pantry:
First Parish Church is serving the community through our food pantry. We hope to be a practical blessing for those experiencing hard times. If you (or someone you know) can benefit from our pantry, or if you wish to help out, e-mail the church or call 207-651-5506. Once you contact us, food pick ups and drop offs are arranged by our food pantry coordinator by appointment.

Childrens Church:
Elementary aged children can enjoy a Sunday school lesson during the sermon time except on the first Sunday of each month which is our Communion Sunday.

Men's Bible Study:
We gather on Thursday nights to grow in our faith, prayer and mutual support. We meet at 6:30pm. For more information call 207-651-5506.
Women's Bible Study:
We gather on Thursday nights. We meet at 6:30pm. For more information call 207-651-5506.